The middle school was fortunate to welcome some very special guests to get us started with our next thematic unit-‘Energy’. Cam Douglas, his wife Yvonne, and their children, Kaia (13) and Jake (12) are Canadians on a year-long adventure around the world to learn about positive developments in sustainable practices.

Partly inspired by Chris Turner’s book, ‘The Geography of Hope-A Tour of the World we Need’, this journey has taken them to Costa Rica, Ecuador, New Zealand, Australia, and now Indonesia. From here they’ll travel on to the Philippines, China, Europe, and Iceland before heading home to Ontario, Canada in the hopes of starting a school focused on sustainability.


The whole family joined in the presentation to share what they have learned about Eco-tourism, invasive species, cultural sensitivity, and sustainable energy in communities around the world. It was an engaging presentation and our students are eager to keep up with the rest of their travels through their family blog.

Be sure to give it a look and send questions and comments their way. They are kindred spirits indeed and a great reminder of all of the positive work being done to make this world a more sustainable place for all.

Pak Glenn Chickering
Middle School Coordinator
Global Awareness Teacher

Sekolah menengah sangat beruntung dapat mengundang tamu istimewa dalam kelas tematik mereka yang bertemakan “Energi”. Mereka adalah Cam Douglas, istrinya Yvonne, dan anak-anak mereka, Kaia (13) dan Jake (12) adalah para keluarga petualang yang berasal dari Kanada. Mereka telah berpetualang selama setahun untuk melihat dan belajar tentang konsep keberlanjutan di seluruh dunia.

Perjalanan ini telah membawa satu keluarga ini mengunjungi berbagai tempat di dunia, seperti Kosta Rika, Ekuador, Selandia Baru, Australia, dan sekarang Indonesia. Dari sini mereka akan melakukan perjalanan ke Filipina, China, Eropa, dan Islandia sebelum pulang ke Ontario, Kanada dengan harapan bisa mendirikan sekolah yang berkelanjutan.

Dalam kesempatannya di Green School, mereka berbagi hal tentang wisata ekologi, spesies invasif, kepekaan budaya, dan energi berkelanjutan. Itu adalah presentasi yang menarik dan siswa kami ingin mengetahui kelanjutan sisa perjalanan keluarga ini lewat blog mereka.

Pak Glenn Chickering
Koordinator Middke School
Guru Global Awareness