Jembatan Penengah

Program Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) mulai memberi siswa kami kebebasan dan tanggung jawab dalam pemilihan mata pelajaran. Siswa dapat memilih mata pelajaran olahraga, seni, jalan jalan, dan tata bahasa. Kurikulum SMP kami bertujuan untuk mengajarkan pada siswa-siswi kami bagaimana cara menentukan pembelajaran mereka sendiri. Kami berfokus untuk mengajar siswa-siswi agar dapat mengajukan pertanyaan yang tepat dan menimbulkan rasa percaya diri mereka untuk mencari jawabannya.

SMP kami menjunjung tinggi Tiga Kerangka Pembelajaran sambil mulai memperkenalkan unit-unit pelajaran yang terintegrasi dalam rangka menyiapkan siswa-siswi dalam proses pemilihan mata pelajaran campuran di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Untuk penjelasan yang lebih mendalam, silahkan tonton video berikut.

Kegiatan Spesial

Jalan Jalan

Taking students off the timetable for ½ day each week, these courses focus on experiential learning in the areas of service, enterprise, and outdoor education. Students are asked to step outside of their comfort zones and try something new, as well as given a chance to pursue some of their passions in these areas. Students work with teachers to identify their personal learning outcomes to compliment those designed by the teacher. Course are designed to help foster Green School’s Core Skills, with a particular emphasis on adaptability, leadership, awareness, collaboration and creative thinking.

Quest Capstone Project

The grade 8 Quest project challenges students to identify one of their passions and turn it into a project that has an aspect of environmental or societal sustainability to it. The project culminates in a TED style presentation that helps prepare our students for success in their High School Green Stone presentations and beyond.

Mulai Petualangan Anda di Green School