I had a fun day with the High School building group, we managed to erect the base and framework for their soon-to-be learning in just 24 hrs. We have put in the rafters and the floor. This week we hope to finish the floor.
We are also going to have mother-daughter, father-son building teams after the floor pod is finished and we will be building all the beams hope to get them up.
I am still doing morning walks every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and I have lots of plans for dinners to talk about doing things in Green School.
United World College South East Asia is coming to GreenCamp for a week. I took grade 5 last week. It’s really fun to have kids on the tour. It’s great to see kids who live in a giant city relating to GS. We had the group jumping up and down on the bridge.
I have always been interested in having UWC and GS connected and here we are at last with a connection.
On the vortex project, we are building the trash collector to catch the plastic bags coming down the river before they go down into the ocean.
I am going to set up some dates to see the [enviropallets]http://enviropallets.com
A few years ago an amazing Dutch bamboo man came to the school, his name is Anton Versteegde ](http://versteegde.nl/Home_2.html text: Antoon Versteegde). Unfortunately he didn’t have enough time to build with the kids.
Since then we acquired a suitcase full of rubber bands and this summer I did the first rubber band bamboo building structure.
Bamboo team building a giant bamboo model using rubber bands
I mentioned this on my welcome speech and a lot of people are very interested in having their kids build. See what the kids created in Challenge Week in this edition of Bamboo News.
The Hardy girls working on their project
John A. Hardy